Dr. Constance Barone

Breast Augmentation Incision Techniques

Aug 29, 2013 @ 12:07 PM — by
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can be a life-changing experience, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Like any surgery, you can expect a period of healing before you are able to see and feel the final results. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you may be wondering what your timeline for recovery is - when will any swelling subside? When will you be able to resume your normal activities? The answer to those questions depends partly on the type of breast augmentation surgery that is performed.

Traditional Breast Augmentation Incisions

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery available, sought after by women wanting to achieve a more contoured silhouette. During the most traditional type of breast augmentation, your plastic surgeon will make an incision - incisions around the areola, in the crease underneath the breast, and at the armpit are all common incision targets. A silicone or saline-based breast implant can then be inserted, after which the incision can be sutured shut.

While breast augmentation surgery is normally an outpatient procedure, it is still normally performed under general anesthesia. This means that you will likely wake up feeling groggy for a few hours or even a day - be sure that you have arranged for transportation home after the procedure.

You can also anticipate swelling, bruising, tenderness and pain in the days following surgery. This can be apparent both at the incision site, and also at the implant site as the skin and muscles of your body adjust to accommodate your new implants. You will be prescribed pain medication to alleviate this pain while you heal.

Most patients report that they are able to get back to the majority of normal activities after a week or two, and Dr. Barone is normally able to remove sutures after 10 days. With that said, it is recommended that patients stay away from strenuous activities for up to three weeks after surgery until the body is fully healed.

Transumbilical Breast Augmentation

In addition to breast lifts and traditional breast augmentations, Constance Barone performs a relatively new and innovative type of breast augmentation surgery known as transumbilical breast augmentation. This is a special type of breast augmentation surgery where breast implants are inserted into the body through a small incision near the navel and guided to the correct placement through the use of endoscopic cameras - once properly placed, the breast implants can then be filled with a saline solution.

There are several advantages to the transumbilical breast augmentation technique. One advantage that many women appreciate is that any scars are small and located around the navel, far away from the implant site. Another major advantage is that, because of the minimal size of incisions, recovery time following a transumbilical breast augmentation is minimal. While you will still experience significant soreness, overall recovery time may be reduced.

Contact Our Breast Augmentation Surgeon Today

Dr. Constance Barone is a licensed plastic surgeon renowned for her work in all types of breast enhancement surgery, with the goal of helping women every day find their confidence and feel their best. If you are considering breast augmentation, contact Dr. Barone’s San Antonio practice to schedule a consultation today.