Dr. Constance Barone

Tummy Tuck Side Effects and Risks

Sep 24, 2013 @ 03:57 PM — by
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

As a result of pregnancies, genetics, or age, the skin around the abdomen can start to loosen, sag, and hang. Although diet and exercise can help reduce abdominal fat, a tummy tuck is the most effective solution for excess skin. A tummy tuck involves removing the excess skin and fat located around the abdomen for a smoother, firmer stomach. Good candidates for a tummy tuck procedure include women who have sagging skin due to multiple pregnancies and who do not plan on becoming pregnant again, as well as patients who have loose abdominal skin due to massive weight loss and whose weight has now stabilized.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

At Dr. Constance Barone’s San Antonio practice, you will be given general anesthesia the day of your tummy tuck procedure, which will take anywhere from one to five hours, depending on whether you are undergoing a complete tummy tuck or a partial one. A complete tummy tuck is a far more extensive and invasive procedure than a mini tummy tuck. Your plastic surgeon will determine which procedure is best suited to your particular needs.

Tummy Tuck Side Effects

As with any surgical procedure, having a tummy tuck comes with its share of associated side effects. Our tummy tuck patients should consider the side effects prior to undergoing this procedure.

Tummy Tuck Risks

The risks of tummy tuck surgery are rare, and less likely to occur when patients undergo surgery with a skilled surgeon.

Learn More about Tummy Tuck

You deserve to be the most confident version of yourself. To learn more about how to achieve your ideal abdomen with a tummy tuck procedure schedule a consultation with Dr. Constance M. Barone today.