Dr. Constance Barone

Mid Facelift Technique

Dec 27, 2013 @ 01:04 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

By using the latest surgical advances and techniques at her plastic surgery practice, Dr. Constance M. Barone is able to provide cosmetic alterations that are personalized to meet the unique needs of each of her patients. Even a procedure such as a facelift can now be customized to address the areas of the face that require the most enhancement. For instance, many patients can benefit greatly from a traditional facelift, in which skin and tissue from the face and neck are tightened and redraped. However, other patients may not have the amount of loose, excess skin to require such a procedure. There are patients who are primarily concerned with drooping or sagging along the middle of the face, from the cheeks to the corners of the mouth. For San Antonio patients, the mid facelift technique can more accurately address this problem area to give patients a more lifted, rejuvenated appearance.

Candidates for a Mid Facelift

In general, candidates for a mid facelift are healthy individuals with realistic expectations for improving facial features by lifting the cheeks to rejuvenate the middle portion of the face. The mid facelift allows Dr. Barone to lift and smooth loose, sagging skin and creases around the cheeks, and towards the lower eyes, nose, and upper corners of the mouth. Because of the alterations that can be made during a mid facelift procedure, ideal candidates for this technique include those with the following concerns:

The Procedure

The incisions required for a mid facelift are minimal. Typically, small incisions are made around the hairline and ear. Through these incisions, Dr. Barone is able to lift the fat pad of the cheek back to its natural position in order to reverse the sagging results of aging and gravity. During the procedure, endoscopic cameras may be used to grant Dr. Barone full view of the muscle and tissue of the face. Endoscopic cameras are attached to small surgical tools that can be inserted through the surgical incisions. When all appropriate alterations have been made, the incisions will be sutured shut and bandaged.


As with any surgical recovery, a patient will require plenty of rest in the first few days following surgery. Common side effects of a mid facelift include discomfort, bruising, and swelling, which should be minor. In addition, because the alterations made during a mid facelift procedure are minimal and require only small incisions, the recovery is shorter than that required of a traditional facelift. Most patients feel and look well enough to return to work and other routine activities within a week after surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

The cheeks are often one of the first facial features that begin to droop and show signs of aging. If you would like to refreshen your appearance by lifting and smoothing the features on the middle portion of the face, schedule a consultation with Dr. Constance Barone at your earliest convenience to learn if you are a good candidate for a mid facelift. We look forward to hearing from you!