Dr. Constance Barone

SMAS Facelift Technique

Jan 21, 2014 @ 04:41 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

As the body ages, some people may begin to experience physical changes that leave them feeling tired or worn down. However, long before these inner changes take place, many begin to notice changes to the outer appearance of the body. It can be frustrating to notice these changes to the physical appearance while one still feels young and healthy. For many patients, physical features can age them prematurely. That is why cosmetic surgery can be such an appealing option.

Plastic surgeon Constance M. Barone gives her patients the opportunity to reverse signs of aging so that the outer appearance more closely resembles the way the patient feels on the inside. One of the most popular cosmetic procedures is a facelift, which allows patients to reverse many common signs of aging on the face and neck. Dr. Barone offers her San Antonio patients the SMAS facelift technique, which produces effective, natural-looking results.

What Is The SMAS Technique?

The SMAS technique is the most common technique used during facelift surgery. The SMAS technique, which stands for superficial musculo-aponeurotic system, offers our patients superior facelift results by making appropriate alterations to the underlying muscle layer as well as the outer layer of skin. If the excess facial skin is simply removed so that the remaining skin can be lifted and redraped, the result may appear superficial and unnatural. This often results in the skin appearing “pinched” or too tight.

The SMAS technique allows Dr. Barone to also lift and elevate the underlying facial muscles. Because the sagging or drooping of facial features is also the result of lost elasticity in the SMAS membrane, this technique results in more effective facial rejuvenation. By making alterations to the SMAS membrane, Dr. Barone can also better personalize the facelift procedure to meet each patient’s unique needs. Overall, the results of a facelift performed using the SMAS technique appear more natural.

Benefits of the SMAS Technique

Dr. Barone prefers the SMAS facelift technique because it allows her patients to benefit from the following advantages:

Candidates for SMAS Facelift

If you are concerned with loose skin, deep creases, or other signs of aging on the lower face and neck, you are likely a good candidate for the SMAS facelift. The SMAS technique is a good option for any patient who is a candidate for other forms of facelift surgery, which includes generally healthy patients who have realistic expectations for the results of surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to reverse the signs of aging and lift your facial features to restore a more naturally youthful appearance, we urge you to learn more about the SMAS facelift technique. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Constance Barone at your earliest convenience to learn if you could benefit from this procedure. We look forward to hearing from you!