Dr. Constance Barone

Common Plastic Surgery Procedures in Your 30s

Dec 30, 2014 @ 11:47 AM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Facelift Botox Liposuction Breast Lift Dermal Fillers

Dr. Constance Barone is committed to patients based in the greater San Antonio area, offering the latest in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic enhancement. This includes breast augmentation surgery to enhance overall breast size and shape as well as non-surgical treatments that reduce wrinkles and enhance appearance without downtime or scarring.

Signs of aging often set in around the 30s for many patients, so we'd like to take a moment right now to consider some common treatments that patients of that age range tend to undergo.

Dermal Filler and BOTOX Injections

Sometimes undergoing a full surgical procedure is not necessary to get great anti-aging results. That's why many patients in their 30s undergo cosmetic injectable treatments using dermal fillers and BOTOX cosmetic. The results are quite remarkable, helping you look years younger without any downtime or lengthy recovery.

Facial Lifts

Wrinkles, lines, and sagging often begin to show as patients enter their later-30s. In order to get rid of those early signs of aging, facial lift procedures are common and effective. These include:

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

The upper eyelids can start to sag around the 30s, leading people to look exhausted and much older than they really are. Similarly, and lower eyelids can appear puffy and baggy, also making patients look tired and haggard.

To address the upper and lower eyelids, cosmetic eyelid surgery is an ideal option. This helps improve the overall appearance of the eye area, helping you appear years younger and much more refreshed and invigorated in the process.

Breast Lift Surgery

The breasts tend to begin drooping and sagging around the middle-30s and later-30s, though it may also occur in the early-30s for some women. To address this drooping and sagging, you can undergo a breast lift. The breast lift will help make your breasts appear perkier and better contoured overall.

It's not uncommon for breast lift surgery to be combined with breast augmentation. Placing implants may be just what a woman needs to enhance her overall appearance and body contour.


A good diet and regular exercise can help you feel great, but sometimes you may have some problematic pockets of fat that just won't go away. To get rid of the last bits of flab and fat, liposuction is a great idea. The surgery can be performed on different parts of the body so you can achieve a trimmer and slimmer frame.

Mommy Makeover Treatments

Women go through many changes after they have had a child. In order to take care of stretchmarks, drooping, sagging, and other changes to overall body contour, there is the mommy makeover. This combination of procedures (e.g., tummy tuck, breast lift, thigh lift) will allow women to restore their frame to what it looked like before they had children, rejuvenating a woman's overall figure in the process.

Speak with Dr. Constance Barone About Your Treatment Options

If you would like to learn more about your many options for advanced aesthetic enhancement and rejuvenation, we encourage you to contact our cosmetic skin care and plastic surgery center today. Dr. Barone and the entire team look forward to your visit and helping you look your very best.