Dr. Constance Barone

Healing After Laser Skin Resurfacing: What Patients Should Know

Apr 14, 2016 @ 03:07 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Laser Skin Resurfacing

Lines and wrinkles can lead to many aesthetic problems, leaving you looking older and more fatigued than you really are. While facial plastic surgery procedures are effective, non-surgical procedures such as laser skin resurfacing can remove lines and wrinkles without incisions or scars. Dr. Constance Barone is proud to offer the procedure at her San Antonio practice, as well as many other non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments.

The best results require high levels of expertise as well as good after-care. Let's consider what the recovery process is like after undergoing laser skin resurfacing.

Will Time-Off of Work Be Necessary?

Yes. Taking a week off of work is typical when recovering from laser skin resurfacing.

While laser skin resurfacing is non-surgical, your skin will peel and be very tender after the procedure has been performed. These are normal side effects, though it can be off-putting to others at an aesthetic level.

What to Expect in the First Days of Recovery

In the first days of laser skin resurfacing recovery, patients will notice that their skin is pink, swollen, or blistered. Sometimes patients compare this to a bad case of sunburn. This is a natural part of the healing process and can be managed quite easily.

Do NOT Pick or Scratch Your Skin

During recovery, your skin will develop crusts and scabbing in little dots. Be sure to avoid picking or scratching these as it can result in scarring.

Rinse Your Face Regularly

You'll receive special instructions on how to keep your face clean during these early days of recovery. Follow these instructions closely and use the provided cleaning solution.

Managing Pain and Swelling

Discomfort and swelling are both common after laser skin resurfacing. Using cold compresses as directed can help alleviate this discomfort. The use of pain relievers is typically not necessary.

Avoid Sun Exposure as Much as Possible

The sun can do damage to your skin as it's healing. In order to ensure optimal recovery results, it's a good idea to avoid prolonged and direct exposure to the sun in the first few days after your laser skin resurfacing treatment. In the early weeks after you've healed, be sure to cover up while out in the sun and to use sunblock to protect your skin.

Avoid Strenuous Physical Activities

As you recover from laser skin resurfacing, it's a good idea to avoid strenuous physical activities until advised otherwise by your doctor. This includes yoga, cardio, heavy lifting, and sexual activity.

Attend All Scheduled Follow-Up Visits

Patients have follow-up visits at the practice to help ensure proper recovery and optimal results. It's important that patients attend all of these follow-ups as scheduled in order to ensure they are healing properly and free from serious complications.

Contact Dr. Constance Barone

For more information about laser skin resurfacing and how it can help you look years younger, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Dr. Constance Barone and her team are here to help you look your very best.