Dr. Constance Barone

Thigh Liposuction vs. Thigh Lift: Looking Your Best

May 31, 2016 @ 01:54 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Thigh Lift Liposuction Body Contouring

Dr. Constance Barone understands the desires and needs of her patients. The focus is always on what patients are really looking for and how she can help them achieve their goals. This has made her a leading plastic surgeon in the greater San Antonio area.

Countless patients come to Dr. Barone to discuss body contouring surgery that can reduce fat and tighten and firm the frame. With that in mind, we'd like to look at thigh liposuction and thigh lift surgery to show you how each can achieve great things for patients in their own ways.

About Thigh Liposuction

Thigh liposuction refers to liposuction that is specially targeted to the upper legs, including the inner thighs, the hips/saddlebags, the outer thighs, and so forth. Liposuction will remove pockets of fat from these areas in order to make the thighs and hips area look slimmer and much more appealing.

Ideal Candidates for Thigh Liposuction

The best candidates for thigh liposuction are people who have excess fat deposits located around their lower extremities. They should be in good overall health and be well aware of the risks and benefits of liposuction. Keep in mind that liposuction is meant for aesthetic fat reduction and is not a weight loss method.

Given the way that weight is distributed in women, women are more likely than men to undergo thigh liposuction in general.

About Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery is a body contouring procedure that targets the thighs and lower extremities. It's an ideal way to reduce the drooping, sagging, wrinkling, and loose skin of the legs as well as the hip and saddlebag region. The incisions for the surgery are generally concealed long the groin and the areas in which patients would wear most undergarments.

Ideal Candidates for Thigh Lift

Good candidates for thigh lift surgery are people who experience issues with the overall appearance of their thighs as a result of weight loss, childbirth, and the natural aging process. All of these can have an affect on skin laxity and appearance. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from any kinds of health conditions that would make a body contouring procedure such as this a potential health hazard.

When a Liposuction May Be Better Than a Lift

Liposuction is typically better than thigh lift surgery when patients face issues with fat deposits alone rather than issues related to loose and sagging skin. It's ideal for sculpting a slimmer frame rather than tightening the skin of the thighs.

When a Lift May Be Better Than Liposuction

A thigh lift is typically better than liposuction when a patient needs to have loose skin and drooping skin tightened. Thigh lift is designed just for these kinds of aesthetic issues, whereas liposuction is more ideal for sculpting and fat reduction.

Combining Procedures for Optimal Body Contouring

When patients have issues with sagging skin as well as unsightly fat deposits, both a thigh lift surgery and thigh liposuction can be performed in tandem, which can yield some excellent results for patients.

Discussing Your Options in Greater Detail

During your consultation with Dr. Barone, you will be able to get ample information about your treatment options and what can be achieved. She will address all questions and give you her best opinion on how you can achieve your aesthetic goals.

Contact Dr. Constance Barone

For more information about thigh lift and thigh liposuction and how it can help you look your absolute best, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Dr. Constance Barone will help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.