Dr. Constance Barone

Lifestyle Changes in Preparation for Plastic Surgery

Jul 1, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

Dr. Constance Barone offers a range of cosmetic procedures, including facial plastic surgery to address the common signs of aging, and body contouring procedures to improve the figure. No matter what type of treatment a patient comes in for, their safety and satisfaction is always a priority. Dr. Barone has years of education and experience, which allows her to give patients the highest quality of care. Still, there are steps that each patient can take to further promote a smooth recovery and successful surgical results. These steps should begin long before recovery, or even surgery, takes place. Here, we discuss the lifestyle changes that patients can make before plastic surgery. These changes will help our San Antonio, TX patients achieve the plastic surgery results they desire, while avoiding unwanted complications.

1. Modify Medication

It is important to discuss medication use with Dr. Barone prior to plastic surgery. There are certain medications, such as aspirin, that work as blood thinners. These medications can increase the risk of excessive bleeding and bruising. Other medications and nutritional supplements may not be suitable when combined with anesthesia. To ensure that there are no adverse reactions or complications due to medication, Dr. Barone needs a complete list of all medications that are used. She can then provide specific instructions regarding which medications and supplements should be avoided or modified in the weeks leading up to surgery.

2. Refrain from Smoking

Smoking increases the risk of a number of health problems and is a habit that should be avoided in general. However, in the weeks leading up to surgery and those following surgery it is especially important that patients refrain from smoking. Smoking increases the risk of surgical complications and also inhibits the body’s ability to heal. To minimize the risk of complications and avoid a prolonged recovery period, patients should quit smoking for at least four to six weeks prior to surgery and should continue to avoid tobacco products for another four to six weeks after surgery.

3. Maintain a Healthy Diet

The best way for the body to get the nutrients it needs is through a healthy and balanced diet. A nutritious diet is always beneficial, but it is especially important in the weeks before plastic surgery. Foods that are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, copper, and selenium can strengthen the body, increase energy, and build up the immune system. Lean meats that are rich in protein are also beneficial, as they aid the body in rebuilding damaged tissues during recovery from surgery.

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is another habit that is generally beneficial to the body. Individuals are advised to get 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity at least three to five days a week. Regular exercise strengthens the body and keeps the immune system healthy. As an added benefit, patients who exercise tend to have toned, elastic skin. This is especially beneficial in ensuring the skin conforms to the alterations that are made during a cosmetic surgery procedure. While exercise is very important prior to plastic surgery, patients should be aware that strenuous activities, including exercise, will need to be avoided in the weeks following treatment.

5. Meditate

A healthy mind helps promote a healthy body, so it is important that patients to be in a good mental space prior to surgery. Activities such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help focus the mind and minimize stress. Of course, if a patient has any areas of concern, they should not hesitate to contact Dr. Barone.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about the wide range of cosmetic treatments offered by Dr. Barone, schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.