Dr. Constance Barone

Are You a Good Candidate for TUBA Breast Augmentation?

Oct 31, 2016 @ 12:00 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic plastic surgery for good reason. Not only does the procedure have the power to improve a patient’s appearance, but it can also transform her self-esteem and overall quality of life. In order to provide her patients with the precise results they wish to achieve, Dr. Constance Barone has mastered a comprehensive range of techniques for performing breast augmentation surgery, including the increasingly popular transumbilical breast augmentation, or TUBA, technique.

Whether you are a good candidate for any given breast augmentation technique depends largely on your body type and your goals for surgery. Dr. Barone carefully evaluates TUBA breast augmentation candidates during consultations at her San Antonio, TX plastic surgery practice to ensure that they are well-suited to the procedure before they commit to surgery. If she feels that they are better suited to a different technique, she advises them openly and honestly of their alternatives.

Fortunately, most women who are interested in breast augmentation using the TUBA technique are suitable candidates for the procedure. To find out whether you are a good candidate, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Barone today.

What Is TUBA?

TUBA, or transumbilical breast augmentation, is a technique that allows Dr. Barone to place breast implants through incisions made in the navel, more casually known as the “belly button.” By placing breast implants through this incision, no scars are left on the breasts, themselves. Any resulting scars will be well-concealed within the navel.

Aside from leaving no visible scars on the breasts, TUBA offers other unique benefits. It takes only approximately two hours to perform, and because the surgery is minimally invasive, patients experience a relatively short healing time and reduced risk of infection compared to other techniques.

Are You a Candidate for TUBA?

The only restriction associated with TUBA is that only saline breast implants can be placed via navel incisions. Pre-filled silicone gel breast implants cannot safely be placed using the TUBA technique. Therefore, patients who opt for silicone gel breast implants will have to choose another breast augmentation technique for implant placement.

Otherwise, in order to be considered a good candidate for TUBA, patients should:

Find Out Whether You Are a Candidate for TUBA

To find out whether you are a candidate for breast augmentation using the TUBA technique, please contact the plastic surgery center of Dr. Constance Barone today.