Dr. Constance Barone

A Brief History of Rhinoplasty

Jan 17, 2017 @ 12:00 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery

One would think, based on our modern-day obsession with aesthetics, that cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty were developed in relatively recent years. In actuality, the rhinoplasty procedure has an extensive history. Although the history of rhinoplasty began for medical, rather than cosmetic purposes, Dr. Constance Barone of San Antonio, TX can perform the procedure to suit our patient’s needs.

Origins in Medical Necessity

The first uses of rhinoplasty were primarily to repair broken or injured noses. The first evidence of the use of this procedure dates back to ancient Egypt in 3000 BC. Around 500 BC, the procedure was performed in India. A physician named Sushruta was the first to develop a reconstruction technique using tissues from other parts of the body, like the cheek.

Sushruta’s techniques also allowed for reconstruction of other body parts. Publications during the Roman Empire discussed reconstruction of facial defects, how to clean exposed bone, and the use of loose sutures that prevented facial distortion during healing.

Moving West

The techniques used in ancient Egypt and India did not surface in European countries until much later. The rhinoplasty procedure was discovered in the 1700s by surgeons of the British Residency in Poona where they witnessed the procedure. They later published an outline of the procedure and photographs of the surgery and outcomes.

In the 1800s, Germans further advanced rhinoplasty surgery by developing free-tissue grafts, and the first use of anesthesia before operating on a patient’s nose. The first modern closed rhinoplasty procedure took place in the United States in 1887.

Surgical Advancements

In the early 1900s, the procedure expanded to correct a deviated septum. Just a couple decades later, open rhinoplasty was developed for improved modification of the tip of the nose. Endonasal, or closed rhinoplasty, remained the more popular technique until the 1970s.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

For much of history, rhinoplasty focused primarily on reconstruction and correction of defects. It was not until the late 1800s that it was considered solely for cosmetic purposes. By the 1930s, it was a popular procedure in Hollywood for stars of the silver screen. Today, rhinoplasty is the second-most popular cosmetic procedure, coming just behind breast augmentation.

Cosmetic surgery is no longer reserved for the “rich and famous”. Nearly any patient who is unhappy with his or her nose can choose this cosmetic procedure to create a more beautiful nose and a more balanced appearance. With our financing options, procedures like a rhinoplasty are more affordable, and thus more available, to more patients than ever before.

Rhinoplasty with Dr. Barone

Dr. Barone has the training and expertise to perform a rhinoplasty procedure for medical or purely cosmetic reasons. Whether you wish to correct a deviated septum or suffered trauma to your nose in an accident, Dr. Barone can make the necessary repairs while maintaining or improving the natural shape of your nose. To learn more about the rhinoplasty procedure or to find out if you are a candidate, call us today to schedule a consultation.