Dr. Constance Barone

Popular Areas for Liposuction

Nov 15, 2012 @ 11:25 AM — by
Tagged with: Liposuction Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

Nobody has the perfect body. Even those people with an appearance we admire have their own flaws that they’d like to correct. One problem that is faced by many men and women is the appearance of extra fat deposits in the body. Even people who are thin can have stubborn pockets of fat that are difficult to burn off with regular exercise. That is why millions of patients choose to undergo liposuction to remove this excess fat. Dr. Constance Barone is a talented San Antonio plastic surgeon who offers liposuction to her patients who are concerned by extra deposits of fat.

Among Dr. Barone’s patients in San Antonio, liposuction is a procedure that has continued to grow in popularity. Over the years, the liposuction procedure has also continued to improve in safety and effectiveness. One of the great things about liposuction is that it can remove fat from virtually any area of the body. Liposuction only requires a few small incisions so it is easy for Dr. Barone to access fat from smaller areas of the body. Some popular areas of the body to be treated with liposuction include the:

Any one area of the body can be treated with liposuction, but it is more common for Dr. Barone to either include liposuction as part of another plastic surgery procedure or address more than one area of the body during the liposuction procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are within 25 pounds of your healthy weight range, but have pockets of fat that you’d like removed from the body, you are likely a good candidate for liposuction. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Constance Barone to learn more about the procedure and see if liposuction can help you reach your goals.