Dr. Constance Barone

Breast Lift Pre-op Instructions

Mar 1, 2013 @ 01:25 PM — by
Tagged with: Breast Lift Mastopexy Breast Enhancement Body Contouring

Aging, weight loss, and other factors can have a major impact on your appearance. Even when you eat right and exercise regularly, you may have to deal with issues regarding your overall body contour. This is especially true for women whose breasts begin to droop or sag. The only permanent solution to this problem is to meet with a San Antonio plastic surgery expert and undergo a breast lift surgery.

About Breast Lift Surgery

A San Antonio breast lift surgery is performed in order to remove excess tissue from the breasts. By doing this, the overall appearance of the breasts will be improved immensely. Patients can have breasts that are pert, perky, firm, and properly contoured again, restoring a youthful appearance and achieving an overall enhancement of the figure.

Why Pre-Operative Instructions are So Important

As with any elective surgery or medically necessary surgery, it's imperative that patients follow their surgeon's instructions prior to the surgery and after the surgery. Doing so will mean the best possible healing experience free from complications and adverse side effects. When you meet with our cosmetic plastic surgeon in San Antonio, you'll get detailed instructions about the pre-operative process. Below are just some basics to be aware of so you have a better understanding of the surgery and what is involved.

What to do a Few Weeks Before Surgery

Once surgery has been deemed a good option for you at our San Antonio cosmetic surgery center, it's important that you quit smoking and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Both of these can impede the healing process, and patients are similarly asked to abstain from drinking and smoking until a few weeks after the surgery is performed.

What to do a Week Before Surgery

In the week before surgery, it's important that patients prepare anything that they'll need for recovery, such as prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, items around the home, loose clothes for recovery, and so on. By getting this done ahead of time, patients can be stress free as they recover from surgery.

It's also important that patients arrange for transportation to and from the surgical suite on the day of the surgery. Also important: patients should arrange for a family member or loved one to stay with them for the first day or two after surgery to help around the house.

What to do the Day Before Surgery

On the day before breast lift, breast reduction, or breast augmentation surgery, it will often be necessary for the patient to refrain from eating after a certain time. Double check with the surgeon just to make sure. Patients should be well rested and well hydrated.

What to do on the Day of Surgery

On the day of the surgery, we ask that patients come to the surgical suite wearing loose-fitting/comfortable clothing. They should not wear any make-up, jewelry, perfumes, or lotions. Basically the patient should arrive in a relaxed state with a positive attitude. We know there may be some trepidation before surgery, but rest assured that we will help you through your nervousness each step of the way.

Learn More About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

For more information about all of your options for breast enhancement and advanced body sculpting, be sure to contact our San Antonio cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team is eager to meet you in person and help you make the best possible decisions regarding your appearance and overall well being.