Dr. Constance Barone

Treating Capsular Contracture after Breast Augmentation

Sep 9, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular elective surgeries in the country. Not only can implants improve your appearance and self-esteem, they are also safe and involve negligible long-term risks. Nevertheless, like all medical procedures, there can be some negative side effects. Capsular contracture is one of the most common problems, and it can impact the appearance and feel of your breasts. Fortunately, when you undergo breast augmentation with an experienced surgeon like Dr. Barone, you will have a lower risk for capsular contracture. In addition, if you are suffering from this post-operative concern, Dr. Barone can perform a revision surgery to replace the implants and restore the appearance of your breasts. To learn more about breast implant revision for capsular contracture, contact our San Antonio practice today.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

When a breast implant is placed, a “capsule” of scar tissue grows around it. Normally, the capsule forms Ioosely around the implant, so there is room for it to move around. Therefore, the implant will look and feel much like natural breast tissue. If you suffer from capsular contracture, this sheath will tighten and pull on the implant.  The scar tissue will also harden, giving your breasts an unnatural feel. There are a number of ways that capsular contracture can affect the look of your breasts. In some cases, they may become unnaturally rounded, or they may rise up too high on your chest. Your skin may also ripple, sometimes visibly, around the implant. In severe cases of capsular contracture, your implants can cause significant discomfort.

Repairing Capsular Contracture

If you have developed capsular contracture, Dr. Barone may first try to treat the condition with medications. Certain prescriptions can soften scar tissue to release the implant. If this option is ineffective, Dr. Barone will remove your old implant, and, often, the surrounding capsule. Then she will place a new implant, choosing one that is better suited to your needs. For example, if you developed rippling around a saline implant, a silicone implant may be more compatible with your breast tissue. She may also suggest a textured implant, as these are less likely to cause capsular contracture.

Reducing the Risks of Capsular Contracture

In some cases, capsular contracture can develop because of infection or trauma to the nearby tissue. For these reasons, it is vital that you choose a qualified cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Barone is highly experienced with breast augmentation. She is renowned for her compassionate care, tailored for each patient. In addition, she works in a state-of-the-art surgical center, which is meticulous about hygiene and proper safety.

In some cases, you can suffer from capsular contracture even if your surgery goes flawlessly. No one knows why some women are more prone to this complication than others. However, there are several ways that you can reduce your risks. Dr. Barone may recommend placing the implant below, rather than on top of, your pectoral muscle. Vitamin E supplements may also help, since they can soften scar tissue. Gentle massage following your surgery can have similar effects.

Schedule Your Revision Consultation

If you are suffering from capsular contracture, Dr. Barone can replace your implants to give your breasts a natural look and feel. Contact our office today to learn more about breast augmentation revision.