Dr. Constance Barone

Minimizing Scarring after Arm Lift Surgery

Nov 15, 2016 @ 01:00 PM — by Constance M. Barone, M.D.
Tagged with: Arm Lift Liposuction Plastic Surgery

An arm lift can eliminate excess fat and skin in the upper arms to create better tone and definition. As with any surgical procedure, however, you will likely experience some scarring following surgery. By using advanced surgical techniques and providing detailed post-operative instructions, Dr. Constance Barone helps to minimize the amount of scarring after arm lift surgery that patients experience at our San Antonio, TX, office.

Advanced Surgical Techniques

To minimize the visibility of the scars after your arm lift surgery, Dr. Barone creates incisions along the inside of your arms, as well as in the armpit. The total size of your incisions will depend primarily on the amount of excess skin requiring removal. If your skin still has good elasticity, liposuction may be performed to remove excess fat and contour the arms. This involves much smaller incisions near the armpit, making the incisions extremely discreet. If you require the removal of excess skin, the incisions may extend down the arm toward the elbow.

Caring for Your Incisions

While Dr. Barone’s surgical techniques help to minimize the overall visibility of scars, how you care for your incisions after surgery will have a significant impact on your results. Dr. Barone and her team will provide you with detailed instructions regarding your post-surgical incision care. Following these instructions will help ensure your scars heal and fade, making them as discreet as possible.

If Dr. Barone places drains at the incision site, you must make sure you clean and empty them regularly. You should also change your bandages and clean your incisions on a regular basis. This will help to prevent infection, and will also help your incisions heal properly. Other post-operative instructions you will need to follow to minimize scarring include:

Incision Timeline

Most incisions follow a particular timeline after surgery:

With proper care, your incisions will eventually fade. It is important to have patience with yourself and your body because the healing process can take a year or more.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the healing process after arm lift surgery, please contact our plastic surgery office for information and guidance.