Dr. Constance Barone

Breast Reduction Side Effects

Feb 1, 2013 @ 11:37 AM — by
Tagged with: Breast Reduction Reduction Mammaplasty Surgical Side Effects Breast Enhancement

Every surgery has some potential side effects that each patient needs to be aware of prior to undergoing the procedure. By knowing all of the benefits and risks of a surgery, patients are able to have realistic expectations about the procedure and what it can achieve. Right now, we'd like to take a look at the basics involving breast reduction surgery risks. When you visit our San Antonio plastic surgery center, you'll be able to learn about the surgery in much greater detail. This post should, however, give you a good grasp on what to expect.

About Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is performed in order to reduce the size of breasts that are too large. Breasts that are too large can cause major problems with a woman's body contour and leave them feeling unnecessarily self-conscious. In addition, breasts that are too large can cause major pain and discomfort of the neck, shoulders, and back.

During the surgery, incisions are made on the breasts themselves in order to remove excess tissue. The incisions generally form an anchor shape (one incision around the areola, one incision along the crease where the breast meets the chest, and one incision down the lower curve of the breast connecting the two). Fewer/less extensive incisions can be made if the cosmetic plastic surgeon in San Antonio deems it appropriate.

Potential Complications Following Breast Reduction Surgery

Following surgery it's not uncommon for patients to experience pain and discomfort, though these should subside in time. Some serious complications to look out for include:

If a patient experiences any of the above, it's important that they get in contact with our practice as soon as possible so that the issue(s) can be addressed in a timely fashion.

Need for Secondary/Corrective Surgery

Sometimes after San Antonio breast reduction surgery, the results will not be to the patient's liking. This may mean aesthetic problems or a health-related issue due to a complication. In those cases, a secondary/corrective surgery will need to be performed. We can discuss this in more detail during your consultation.

Post-Surgical Scarring After Breast Reduction Surgery

Both breast reduction and breast lift surgery require incisions to be made on the breast. Consequently, there is some post-surgical scarring experienced after undergoing breast reduction surgery. That said, this scarring is generally minimal, and can be subtle depending on the way the patient heals. In addition, these scars are located in parts of the breast that are generally unseen when women wear most undergarments and bathing suits.

Tips for Avoiding Complications and Adverse Side Effects

Before any surgery, we always provide detailed instructions for pre-operative and post-operative care. By following these to the letter, the chances of adverse side effects are greatly diminished. We will also encourage patients to remain in touch with us as they heal so that they can have any issues or concerns addressed in a timely manner.

Learn More About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

To learn more about breast reduction surgery and your many other options for breast enhancement and aesthetic rejuvenation, be sure to contact our San Antonio cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and discussing all of your aesthetic goals in greater detail.